
Showing posts from March, 2015

Because people are stupid

After the first goat was slaughtered and the first fish was fished! The animals, sensed the severity of events and called for a meeting. The meeting was attended by one representative from every class and subclass of animal. All animals were angry. The goat was angriest. He said that his community had been wronged and severe action against humans must follow. The fish did not attend the meeting because they protested that the venue, being on land, was unsuitable for them. The Cat was unanimously elected as chairman of the meeting. He purred and presided over the matter. He concluded that if humans enjoyed the taste of goat, they would soon venture out to try eating other animals. And this, was naturally, a cause for alarm. The animals could not really come to a conclusion and there was disarray at the meeting. The meeting was adjourned and the crowd diapered. Mr. Cat went over to his community and addressed them saying "the meeting did not reach a conclusive end. We could...