A Borivali slow, Was on platform four, Being young and swift, With least bit of strain, I boarded the train. There wasn't place to sit, So amidst the uproar, I stood at the door. An aged lady of seventy-four, Indulged us in a tale of yore. Of a frightful night, When her entire world, Was ruthlessly hurled, Into fear and plight, Into treacherous gore, A tale so abhor. with fine detail, She narrated her tale, And had us engrossed, Our minds embossed, She was a slave, Who tried to save, Her body frail, Which was put for sale. "A young girl of thirteen I was", she said "Physically alive but mentally dead. I was sold like cattle, My modesty stripped, soul ripped, My insides would rattle, As I would be led, To a different bed. In words I cannot convey, From where I drew strength one day, During the dastardly act, I took my chance and attacked. I fled the scene, And ran all day, Tried to escape far away. Partially clothed or un...